
Geolocation and Navigation

March 28-29, 2018
"Observatoire de Paris"
Meudon Site

Geolocation and navigation

The URSI-France 2018 Workshop, under the sponsorship of the French Academy of Sciences, will be dedicated to “Geolocation and navigation”. The workshop will be held at the Meudon Site of the “Observatoire de Paris” (10 minutes train from Paris), on March 28-29, 2018.

Geolocation has massively entered our society. It is used in many applications. It covers a wide range of fields, including GNSS satellite tracking systems, radars, interferometry, communication systems, autonomous vehicles, connected objects and smart cities. Geolocation may require extremely accurate clocks, which raises scientific and technological challenges.

The workshop will be organized around oral and poster sessions. Most sessions will be introduced by invited lecturers presenting the state of the art and/or recent developments, followed by regular communications, which will be selected by the Scientific Committee. The working languages will be French and English.

 Main topics: 

  • Space-borne observations
  • Space-borne observations of the Earth and its environment
  • Geolocation on Earth with GNSS satellite systems
  • Advanced techniques, passive and active radars, interferometry
  • Geolocation of aircraft and drones without GPS
  • Geolocation-related developments in mobile phones and for the internet of things, localisation inside buildings and underground, big data and predictive localisation, localisation for industry 4.0 (robotic equipment etc.)
  • Metrology and electromagnetism: clocks

 Invited lecturers

  • Pierre-Louis Blelly (IRAP, Toulouse, France),The unknown ionosphere in positioning equation:  reduction problem;
  • Silvère Bonnabel (MINES ParisTech, Paris), Invariant Kalman filtering for GPS-aided inertial navigation;
  • Pierre Briole (LG-ENS, Paris), Static and kinematic GNSS positioning for the study of the tectonic deformations of the Earth;
  • Benoît Denis (CEA-Leti, Minatec, Grenoble, France), Cooperative vehicular localization: Recent progresses and challenges;
  • Noël Dimarcq (FIRST-TF, SYRTE, France), Atomic clocks - State of the art and challenges.
  • Bernard Fleury (ES-AAU, Aalborg, Denmark), Message passing for cooperative localization – a flexible tool for the design of high-performance, efficient, scalable, distributed solutions;
  • Francois Le Chevalier (Past Chief Scientist Thales, Emeritus Prof. TU Delft), Benefits of space-time diversity for radar;
  • Félix Perosanz (CNES, Toulouse), A revolution for precise geopositioning.

All information relating to the 2018 Workshop can be found on the website of URSI-France: 

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